"Oxyturf.....yes guys it's a game-changer....
I have used the product for a few years now...the pictures illustrated above clearly shows the difference. I have a clay-based pitch, which is a nightmare to deal with.
Anaerobic conditions, compaction, black-layer, and nutrient retention. These pictures above illustrate that there is no N P K put on for at least a month due to covid budget restraints, but we applied OxyTurf and as you can see in the after picture the turf has sprung to life and beautifully rejuvenated.
In areas of high algae and compaction, cool-season turf tends to become less stunted and rigid and more body to the plant and on warm-season turf, I have my stolons run further than ever. I have less disease as well."
Hope you guys enjoy using the product as I do and I'm sure you will find it useful when you just ain't got the time to verti drain in between games...
Vilasen Pillay - Head Groundsman for the "Shark Tank", Kings Park Stadium in South Africa

"OxyTurf is the perfect tool in a Turfgrass Manager’s arsenal to combat anaerobic soil conditions and reduce the effect of existing problems associated with a poor conditioned soil such as black layer, algae, moss thinned or stressed turf. For a healthier better turf, I recommend OxyTurf"
John Peach - Course Manager for Bochenmeer Golf Estate &
Chairman of the Turfgrass Managers Association of South Africa

“We’ve just had 4 days of torrential rain (Storm Christopher) and as a result had severe flooding in much of the country, our region was hit hard.
After the rain had stopped, it took maybe 24 hours for the areas applied with OxyTurf to completely drain the water and areas without OxyTurf took 3-4 days to drain. So, a definite difference there for sure.”
Alex Fitzgerald – Groundsman for Vulcan Football Club UK

"I have recommended OxyTurf to golf courses that I consult to. All had similar results with the product.
There was no noticeable change in the profile or turf-grass quality after the first application. The second application a month later shows a slight lightening of the thatch layer. The third application a month after this shows a substantial improvement in the colour of the thatch as well as signs of decomposition. The surface also becomes greener as a result of nutrient salts becoming oxidized.
I prefer this product to hydrogen peroxide-based oxygen products as OxyTurf does not have a spike in pH and nutrients do not become over oxidised causing excessive growth. I relate the more consistent performance to the product being of organic origin.
I will continue to recommend OxyTurf to all my clients as I have incorporated it into my thatch reduction constituent of my programs."
Jock Tame – JT Consultancy

“To date, I’ve seen excellent plant development. Aggressive root development. A visible reduction in organic and no visible detrimental effects on the plant. We see a greening of the grass blades and a preventative for the dew which can be seen in the picture below.
I’m fully in support of the product as a market product and know that this is what we need for turf ( thick sod) and for hybrid pitches in football.”
John France - Euro Sports Turf

"Oxyturf, what a difference it makes, excellent product"
Robert Sheraton - Leicester City Council Greenkeeper

6 days post hollowtining with a 19mm tine at 1,5” spacing. 80% Poa greens and we are almost closed up completely. Started with OxyTurf at 40lt/ha last month and 20lt/ha from now on every month. Very happy with the product.
Casper Mostert -
Golf Course Superintendent at Copperleaf, The Els Club

Overall there has been a positive effect on Fusarium, algae and colour. Definitely slowly cleaning black layer.
Vincent Jensen - Head Greenskeeper at Hazel Grove Golf Club
We’re proud to offer great service to all of our clients. Let us know what we can do for you.